SmartCow Transnational Access: Calls for Proposals
Free access to leading cattle research facilities in France, Spain, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Germany, Ireland and Denmark
SmartCow Transnational Access (TNA) Calls will provide the academic and industry communities with free access to a wide range of first-class dairy and beef cattle research facilities across Europe.
Support from the SmartCow budget covers the operating costs of facilities, but not the external users’ own costs.
Overall, SmartCow TNA Calls will be able to support up to 30 research projects representing a total of 10.000 “cow-weeks” (number of animals * number of experimental weeks).
This section of the SmartCow website provides applicants with the following documents and information:
- Rules regarding the operation of the TNA scheme and the selection of projects (Procedural Manual);
- Application forms for the two stages of the call (Pre-proposal Form and Full Proposal Form)
- Consent Form and Data Protection Notice for the processing of applicants’ personal data;
- Descriptions of Facilities Available for TNA Projects
- Priority Research Areas
There will be three SmartCow TNA calls for proposals – the first one is launched on 23rd July 2018, while the second and third ones will be opened respectively in April 2019 and April 2020.
The deadlines for the first TNA call are as follows:
- 1st stage application (pre-proposal) deadline: 30th September 2018
- 2nd stage application (full proposal) deadline: 30th November 2018
Completed application forms, together with scanned and signed consent forms, must be submitted by email to: [email protected]
The SmartCow Access Management Team is available to provide advice on any aspect of the scheme. Please contact them by email:
- Richard Dewhurst ([email protected] ) – Transnational Access leader
- René Baumont ([email protected] ) – SmartCow Coordinator
- Lene Munksgaard ([email protected] )
Deutscher Partner im EU Projekt „SmartCow“ ist das Leibniz-Institut für Nutztierbiologie FBN Dummerstorf.
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