Principles of Equine Lameness Investigation
This two-day practical course - Friday 26. and Saturday 27. April, 2013 - aims to cover the general principles of lameness examination and how to assess lame horses systematically and successfully.
This course is suitable for veterinarians from mixed or equine practice who are keen to establish the foundations of lameness investigation through lectures and extensive practical sessions in small groups.
In the mornings the following highly-illustrated lectures will be covered by experts in the field in English and with translation into Hungarian and German moderation:
- History taking
- Clinical Presentation of Common Pathologies
- A Systematic Approach to Lameness Examination
- Decision Making – Anaesthetic Techniques versus Imaging
- Diagnostic Anaesthesia – Regional & Intra-synovial Techniques
- Ultrasonography – When and how to use it in lameness cases
- Radiography – When and how to use it in lameness cases
- Common Conditions of the distal Frontlimb
- Common Conditions of the Hindlimb
In the afternoons, two 3½-hour practical sessions will give delegates plenty of opportunity to put theory into practice on lame horses and limb specimens (diagnostic anaesthetic techniques) and to ask questions in small groups (3 – 5 people per group), all under the supervision of specialists. Each delegate will be rotating through the following practical sessions:
- History Taking & Practical Lameness Examination
- Musculoskeletal Palpation – which anatomical structures can be palpated?
- Regional & Intra-synovial Injection Techniques on equine limbs
- Sound Horses – Pre-purchase Examination
- Lame Horses – How to approach this case?
The course fee includes lunches at a restaurant, coffee/tea breaks, extensive course notes and a certificate of attendance. Delegates can choose to only attend the lectures (= Lectures Only) on this course or can register for the entire course (= Lectures & Practical Sessions).
On the evening of the first day all delegates are invited to attend the course dinner, which costs 5000 HUF (not included in the course fee; drinks will be charged extra). Early course registration is recommended as there are only a limited number of places available.
John Walmsley - MA, Vet MB, Cert EO, Dipl.ECVS, Hon. FRCVS, England
Luis Pardon Lamas - DVM, CertES(Orth), Dipl.ECVS, MRCVS, Portugal & England
Emmanuel Engeli - Dr.Med.Vet, DVM, Dipl. ECVS, Dipl.ACVS, MRCVS, Switzerland & England
Date: Friday 26. & Saturday 27. April, 2013
Venue: Észak-Magyarországi Lógyógyászati KFT, near Miskolc
Country: Hungary
Language: English, with translation into Hungarian and German moderation
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