WSAVA Hereditary Disease Committee Calls for New Members
The Hereditary Disease Committee (HDC) of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA), which facilitates the diagnosis, treatment and control of hereditary diseases and genetic predispositions in dogs and cats, is looking for two new members to join its team of global experts.
It is hoping to attract an active practitioner with a developed interest in companion animal hereditary disease and an expert on feline hereditary disease.
The HDC is one the clinical committees through which the WSAVA achieves its goal of advancing the health and welfare of companion animals worldwide through creating an educated and collaborative global community of veterinary peers.
Committee membership is voluntary but provides an opportunity to work with global colleagues and to enhance veterinary care and patient welfare in their area of interest.
The HDC is chaired by Dr Jerold Bell, a globally-recognized clinical genetics consultant and lecturer. He owns a practice in Connecticut, USA, and is Adjunct Professor at the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University.
He said: “Many of the characteristic breed traits, diseases and predispositions we see daily in practice are recognized to have a heritable basis. The HDC works to support veterinarians around the world by providing educational resources to help reduce the incidence of genetic disease and to identify and treat it in affected animals.
The Committee is working on a number of exciting projects and we are keen to grow our team. We would be interested in applications from any colleagues with demonstrable expertise in this field but an active practitioner with a developed interest in companion animal hereditary disease and an expert on feline hereditary disease would complement the skills we already have.”
Ideally, applicants will be a member of a WSAVA member association.
Full details on the application process and the application process are available here!
The closing date is September 6 2021.
More information on the work of the HDC is available here.
The work of the HDC is kindly supported by WSAVA Diamond Partner, the Purina Institute.
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