Faouzi Kechrid to Receive WSAVA Award for Global Meritorious Service

(14.06.2022) The World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) has announced that Tunisian veterinarian and WSAVA member representative for the country, is to be awarded the WSAVA’ s prestigious Award for Global Meritorious Service.

He is to receive the Award in recognition of his contribution to the One Health movement and to the veterinary profession in Tunisia, Africa, the Middle East and Europe.

During a long and distinguished career, Dr Kechrid has worked in many fields of veterinary medicine, including animal and public health, animal welfare and food security.

Faouzi Kechrid

He has also worked as a consultant and advisor to the World Bank; the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, and the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH – formerly known as OIE) on projects including an assessment of avian influenza and transboundary animal diseases in the Middle East and North Africa and the co-ordination of several high-profile veterinary conferences.

Dr Kechrid is a past president of the World Veterinary Association and current president of the Association Vétérinaire Euro-Arabe and the African Veterinary Association. He is a founder and vice president of the Fédération des Associations Francophones des Vétérinaires (FAFVAC). In addition to being WSAVA member representative for Tunisia, he is a member of its Translation Access Taskforce, helping to make its educational resources accessible to Arabic speakers.

The WSAVA’s Award for Global Meritorious Service is presented annually to a veterinarian who, in the opinion of the judges, has contributed meritorious service to the veterinary profession in the broadest sense. Dr Kechrid will receive his Award during this year’s WSAVA World Congress which takes place in Lima, Peru from 29-31 October.

Commenting on the award to Dr Kechrid, WSAVA President Dr Siraya Chunekamrai said: “It is a privilege simply to know Dr Kechrid so the opportunity to honor such an altruistic, generous and brave leader of the veterinary profession is a real honor for our community. I am so happy to be able to express our gratitude to Dr Kechrid for all that he has done – and continues to do - for our profession."

Dr Kechrid said: “I am very humbled and proud of this recognition by the WSAVA and I want to express to all of its members my deepest gratitude. Thanks to your recognition and the Global Meritorious Award you have honored me with, I feel even more energized to continue to serve my profession and to encourage the development of our new active veterinary generation.”

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