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Fig. 1

Krakow, City of Wonders

Krakow, Poland was the host of the 13th European Congress of Veterinary Dentistry which takes place in a different country each year.

. . .

This year was on 22 and 23 October. The topics presented were various, however the presentation level was not what one might expect from an international meeting. At least half of the presentations were identical or slightly different from those presented last year in Pisa, Italy.

The mode of presentation was simplistic, boring, no enrichment, no special animations to attract the attention of the audience, but what is worse  they did not present anything new. The highlight of the congress was the presentation of the polish human dentist Dr. K. Awillo on implantology. It was a thorough presentation that included bone augmentation techniques, sinus elevation procedures, tissue guided regeneration, and complex implant clinical cases. It had the necessary animation, information, clinical cases and it was presented in a very appropriate manner allowing short funny interludes.

Fig. 2
Fig. 2

Now let's get back to the most important subject, which is Krakow, city of wonders. A perfect mélange of baroque and gothic architectural styles mingled together in a perfect harmony. At a bird's view, please see Fig. 1 , one might remark that this is a big city. With 800.000 people living there, Krakow is the second largest city in Poland, and certainly the most beautiful.

Fig. 3
Fig. 3

A magnificent serpent form river, the Wisla divides the city  in 2 parts The overlooking hill of Wawel is the location of one of the nicest churches you can see, the Wawel  Cathedral(Fig.2). A superb gothic masterpiece dominated by the Sigismund Chapel’s Dome covered in shiny copper. Here you can also see Sigismund’s Church Bell, it’s weight of 8 tons (the biggest bell in Poland) does not prevent it to yield a perfect sound (Fig.3).

Fig. 4
Fig. 4

The main entrance to the Wowel hill is guarded by an elegant equestrian monument  (Fig.4).just on the north entrance. The cathedral entombs many famous polish man such as Kosciusko, Mickiewicz, Pilsudski, etc.

Fig. 5
Fig. 5

The Theater and Opera House (Fig.5) , the portal to St. Florian’s gate (Fig.6), and the interior of the St. Anna’s Church (Fig.7) are just a few modest samples of what this incredible city has to offer.

Fig. 6
Fig. 6

The main city square with the architecturally predominant church of St. Mary (Fig.8) represent the core of the old city but also the most intense spot. The city square pulsates day and night due to the flow of never-ending tourists.

Fig. 7
Fig. 7

The overall landscape of Poland is very picturesque (Fig9), and for all I can say is a MUST SEE place.

DDr. Stoian Camil

Bildergalerie mit 7 Bildern

Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 3
Fig. 4
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Fig. 7
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weitere Meldungen

Kurzmeldungen aus der Wissenschaft

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