Rudolf Ippen Young Scientist Award 2013
Professor Dr. Rudolf Ippen was a pioneer of the scientific discipline of wildlife pathology and co-founder of the International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals. In memory of Professor Ippen, who passed away in March 2009, and his outstanding commitment to wildlife medicine, the fourth “Rudolf Ippen Young Scientist Award” will be awarded at the International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals in Vienna (Austria) in May 2013.
The Award will honour a young scientist whose scientific output, particularly the papers published in the past 12 months, document the beginning of a promising career in wildlife veterinary science, conservation medicine, or zoo animal medicine.
The Rudolf Ippen Young Scientist Award is endowed with 1,000 Euro.
Candidates can apply by themselves or can be proposed by somebody else.
Eligible candidates will
- have graduated in veterinary medicine;
- usually either be conducting a doctoral dissertation or have recently completed their doctoral dissertation; in the case of postdocs, their doctoral dissertation should have been completed no longer than three years ago;
- be working as a veterinarian in a zoo, in wildlife research or conservation projects or within the academic field;
- have demonstrated excellent and original scientific work in the fields of wildlife veterinary science, conservation medicine, or zoo animal and wildlife medicine – with zoo animals, wildlife, or their respective pathogens the key focus;
- be expected to attend the International Conference on Diseases of Zoo and Wild Animals 2013 in Vienna.
The application should include
- letter of application or letter of recommendation;
- curriculum vitae;
- list of publications and other scientific output;
- a copy of the three most important publications of the last 12 months.
Deadline for applications is the 15th March 2013. Submissions are preferably done by electronic means, and sent to us by e-mail [email protected] . Applications will be reviewed by an international jury with members nominated by the EAZWV and the IZW.
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