Animal Energy 14: Homeopathy works
The BAHVS invites you to a restyled BAHVS conference - June 21 - June 23 2013!
This time the focus is on economy with star quality. With a price of £150.00 per head for the whole conference, including Saturday night’s dinner, we think this offers the best value-formoney for our members.
There is NO accommodation or lunches included in the conference price. Delegates will need to source their own accommodation and helpful list can be found on the website showing a selection of what’s available including campsites for those so inclined. The venue is easily reached by car or public transport and Arundel train station is a gentle stroll away.
Lunches will not be included but the venue has an excellent café and Arundel’s cafés, pubs and tearooms are within easy reach. Picnics can be taken in the delightful extensive grounds.
The speakers this time are some of our finest. Jonathan Hardy will be talking on dog and cat remedies and Shelley Epstein on the evidence base for homeopathy. Geoff Johnson will wax lyrical on Sankaran’s themes and Lanthanide series while Sara Fox-Chapman will present her latest paper on feline hyperthyroidism.
Nick Thompson will talk about cease therapy for animals (autism) and John Saxton, Mark Elliott, Peter Gregory and Lee Kane will be contributing throughout the weekend.
In addition, some lesser-known speakers will present their cases and there will be a question and answers session at the end of Saturday’s formal talks with a ‘panel of experts’. We have an after dinner speaker and some special guests – including the president of the RCVS.
The BIG departure this year is that the Saturday main sessions will be open to the general profession at no charge to them! We are offering 4 hours of CPD for no charge to any registered veterinary surgeon who would like to attend and see for themselves what we are about and some of the lectures on that day will be geared to that theme. There will be parallel sessions for our members given by Geoff Johnson on the Saturday.
We do hope that you will embrace this idea and make any visitors welcome.
Please support our sponsors and all those who finance the event. We hope you can join us and make this a weekend to remember!
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