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7th Esaote MRI Symposium

7th Esaote MRI Symposium 2014

Esaote, the world’s number one veterinary imaging ultrasound and MRI  announces its 7th MRI Symposium will take place in the opulent and inspirational environs of Grotta Giusti Golf & Spa Resort at Monsummano Terme, Tuscany, over the weekend of 21st – 22nd November.

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Key opinion leaders in the veterinary field will share the latest findings, with the aim of pushing forward knowledge and debate about veterinary MRI. This year's meeting will focus on practical guidelines for MR image interpretation applied to pathologies in neurological and musculoskeletal compartments both for small animals and equine.

Chaires by Professor Michael E Herrtage

The symposium will be chaired by Michael E Herrtage, BVSc, DVSc, DVR, DVD, DSAM, MRCVS, Dipl ECVIM, Dipl ECVDI, Professor of Small Animal Medicine at the University of Cambridge, a Fellow of St. Edmund's College, and Dean of the Cambridge Veterinary School.

In his words, “It is always inspiring to be at the heart of the debate and hear the latest findings within one’s sector. Having been involved with Esaote during the ‘blueprint’ stage of their MRI design has made for truly dedicated systems that start with the animal in mind.

I’m sure delegates will be impressed by hearing about the next range of sequences on offer, and how they can help. I look forward to chairing what promises to be an illuminating weekend of learning.”

Professor Herrtage has a particular interest in endocrine and metabolic disorders. In 2014, he was awarded the World Small Animal Veterinary Association International Award for Scientific Achievement for outstanding contributions by a veterinarian, who has had a significant impact on the advancement of knowledge concerning the cause, detection, cure and/or control of disorders of companion animals. He has spoken at many international meetings and published over 200 articles in refereed journals.

Q&A sessions will follow each talk, engendering a sense of openness and honest debate by delegate professionals, with ample room for discussing the latest theories and developments. The symposium’s programme includes topics such as sequence development; congenital brain abnormalities; CT and MRI use in daily neurological practice; epilepsy and MRI; diagnosis of equine stifle lameness and many other talks that will address questions on neurology radiology and orthopaedics.

Cor van der Flier, Esaote Veterinary Business Director, explains: “This year's meeting aims to consolidate the excellent relationships we have forged so far, and to foster an exchange of ideas amongst Esaote users - and veterinarians who are interested in our cutting-edge technology. We very much look forward to returning to Tuscany after 10 years to host our seventh veterinary symposium.”

Guest Speakers:

  • Michael E Herrtage, MA, BVSc, DVR, DVD, DSAM, MRCVS, Dipl ECVN, Dipl ECVDI (UK)
  • Henrik Sten Andersen, DVM (DK)
  • Massimo Baroni DVM, Dipl ECVN (I)
  • Cristian Falzone, DVM, MRCVS, Dipl ECVN (I)
  • Konrad Jurina, DVM, Dipl ECVN (D)
  • Martin Konar, DVM, Dipl ECVDI (A)
  • Julien Labruyère, DVM, CertVDI, Dipl ECVDI, MRCVS, RCVS
  • Alexia McKnight, DVM, Dipl ACVR (USA)
  • Colleen Mitchell, DVM, DVSc, Dipl ACVR (USA)
  • Don van den Winkel, DVM (NL)
  • Martin Waselau, DVM, Dipl ACVS, Dipl ECVS (D)

For information about the speakers and the symposium’s location, please see

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