Online Symposium "Multimodal Pain Approach" of VAHL in Cooperation with Boehringer Ingelheim
Symposium am Mittwoch, 09.06.2021, 14:00-18:30 Uhr mit Barbara Bockstahler, Beate Egner, Barbara Esteve Ratsch und Tracey Jones (auf Englisch)
PD Dr. Barbara Bockstahler (BB) President ECVSMR, DECVSMR, DACVSMR, CCRP, (VETMEDUNI Vienna), Austria
Dr. Beate Egner (BE) CEO & Course Director (VAHL), Germany
Dr. Barbara Esteve Ratsch (BER) CCRP, (VAHL), Norway
Tracey Jones (TJ) VP and CCRP, (VAHL) UK Greta Oldfield (GO) VN and CCRP, Sandvica NO, Norway Camilla Bentsen (CB) DVM, Boehringer Ingelheim, Nordic
14.00 Welcome (BE) 5 min.
Career steps in physical medicine:
get started with simple procedures like heat and cold
– become a specialist with an academic education
(CCRP/CERP) and complete your desire for an
academic career with a residency to become a
Diplomate ECVSMR (BB) 15 min.
Team approach: my role as a vet nurse, specialized
in rehab (GO) 10 min. and (TJ) 10 min.
Why rehab – look at this example:
Biomechanics and related treatment considerations in
CCLR – it is evidence based! (BB) 30 min.
Break 15 min.
Multimodal pain approach – manage your patients,
don’t miss important links (BE) 5 min.
Step one:
a) Pain control with medication – overview:
(BER) 5 min.
b) “Tips & Tricks when you treat with NSAIDS” (Metacam,
Previcox & Canosan) Features and benefits of
Metacam, and Canosan (CB) 25 min.
c) Obesity is key in multimodal pain approach
(BE) 10 min.
d) Pain control with physical therapy
how to get started with little/
no investment:
1) Heat and cold (BER) 10 min.
2) Massage (GO) 10 min.
3) Exercises (GO) 10 min.
4) Involve your pet owner – homework
(GO) 10 min.
Break 15 min.
Step two: Overview - Laser, TENS, stem cells, PRP, and
much more (BER) 10 min.
1) TENS (BER) 15 min.
2) Laser (BER) 15 min.
3) Hydrotherapy (TJ) 15 min.
Q&A – panel discussion (all) – 30 min
Goal: Rise your profile! Get started – with ready to use
treatment options, to be implemented into the clinic
service, to be given to the pet owner – we start the
team approach.
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