Become a specialist in the field of Equine Rehabilitation!
Anmeldeschluss am 14. Juli 2021 für die akademische Spezialisierung zum Certified EQUINE Rehabilitation Practitioner (CERP), Location Schweiz - nur noch 2 Plätze frei!
The CERP program has been developed by the Colorado State University Orthopedic Research Center in cooperation with the University of Tennessee in 2004. It is the only university-based, RACE approved credential program in equine rehabilitation.
The CERP formation is developed using the same strict guidelines typically associated with university accredited programs. Therefore, it is taught by a faculty that includes active university instructors, expert clinicians, researchers, and recognized industry experts.
The curriculum draws from ongoing research, evidence based case studies, clinical experience, and leading companies in the fields of veterinary medicine.
The CERP - Program is designed to guide the professional from the theoretical foundations to the clinical applications of equine rehabilitation. It consists of a sequence of postgraduate online lectures (downloaded workbook available online), followed by hands on lab sessions, thoroughly documented case studies and a cumulative certified examination.
Weiterlesen: Flyer CERP 2021 mit allen aktuelle Daten und Registrierungsformular
Kursanbieter: Veterinary Academy of Higher Learning (VAHL), Deutschland
Kurslocation: Schweiz, Niederlenz
Zugangsvoraussetzung: Tierärztin, Tierarzt sowie Studierende der Tiermedizin ab 10. Semester
Sprache: Englisch
Blended Learning Konzept
Start mit E-Learning (CERP I): ab sofort
Labdays (CERP II): Präsenztage Schweiz: 19.-22. August 2021
Eigene Fälle und Examen (CERP III): im Anschluss an CERP II