Principles of Small Animal Anesthesia & Perioperative Analgesia in 4 Modules

(23.01.2015) This course provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of the state of the art of small animal anesthesia management including advanced perioperative monitoring and patient care.

Module 1: April 23-25 - Module 2: May 21-23 - Module 3: June 25-27 - Module 4: September 10-13

75 ATF CE credits & 50 ECM credits

Location: Università degli Studi di Torino, Scuola di Agraria e Medicina Veterinaria, Dipartimento di Scienze Veterinarie, Largo Braccini, 2-5, 10095 Grugliasco (TO)

Speakers: Prof. Dr. B. Driessen, DACVAA, DECVPT (USA/DE), FTA f. Anästhesiologie, Intensivmedizin & Schmerztherapie; Dr. C. Adami, DACVAA, DECVAA (CH/I/UK), Dr. S.di Concetto, DACVAA (USA/I); Dr. R. Dörfelt, DECVAA (DE), Dr. F. Aprea, DECVAA (ES/I)

Narkovet Consulting

The 2015 certificate course program is designed for veterinarians who wish to significantly expand their knowledge and skills in small animal anesthesia, perioperative intensive care and pain management.

The course also addresses current understanding of analgesia and commonly used techniques of multimodal and loco-regional anesthesia and analgesia.
Clinical case presentations will illustrate the immediate clinical relevance of basic concepts of anesthesia.

Furthermore, detailed presentation of disease-, age-, and species-specific aspects of anesthesia and perioperative pain management will demonstrate how to implement common concepts of anesthesiology and analgesia into clinical practice.  

At the end of the course the participant will:

  • Be familiar with the basic concepts, procedures and techniques of modern anesthesia management including multimodal and loco-regional anesthesia and analgesia in small animals
  • Know the clinical pharmacology of a broad spectrum of sedatives, anesthetics and analgesics
  • Be familiar with the functioning of modern anesthetic machinery and monitoring equipment as well as the different techniques of administering safe anesthesia and analgesia
  • Be able to prescribe appropriate anesthetic and analgesic protocols for animals with a wide variety of clinical conditions and for a wide variety of surgical and diagnostic  interventions
  • Know the clinical pharmacology of paralytic agents and how to induce, monitor, and reverse a neuromuscular blockade
  • Be able to assess the hemodynamic, respiratory, and other vital organ functions in the perianesthetic period
  • Be able to prescribe interventions necessary to maintain adequate cardiovascular, respiratory, and other vital organ function
  • Be able to assess the fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base status of an animal and correct abnormalities, when necessary
  • Recognize and treat the most common perianesthetic emergencies
  • Have a thorough knowledge of a cardiopulmonary resuscitation protocol used in anesthesia
  • Be familiar with the principles and techniques of multimodal and loco-regional anesthesia & analgesia.

For more details please download the course brochure including a registration form from our web site or e-mail us at: [email protected].

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